Madangeul naon amtak 2011

Animation Adventure Drama Family

Leafie is a hen who manages to escape the horrible conditions of an egg production line. After surviving a harrowing encounter with a one-eyed weasel and being rejected by the barnyard ...

Tutti i titoli
  • Daisy, a Hen Into the Wild
  • KR: Madangeul naon amtak Madangeul naon amtak
  • BR: Lifi - Uma Galinha na Selva Lifi - Uma Galinha na Selva
  • FR: Lili à la découverte du monde sauvage Lili à la découverte du monde sauvage
  • DE: Liefi - Ein Huhn in der Wildnis Liefi - Ein Huhn in der Wildnis
  • IT: Leafie - La storia di un amore Leafie - La storia di un amore
  • LT: Vistuke Vistuke
  • RU: Отважная Лифи Отважная Лифи
  • KR: Ma-dang-eul Na-on Am-talk Ma-dang-eul Na-on Am-talk
  • ES: Lifi, una gallina tocada del ala Lifi, una gallina tocada del ala
  • SE: Leafie Leafie
  • TR: Sevimli Tavugun Yolculugu Sevimli Tavugun Yolculugu
  • KR: Leafie, a Hen Into the Wild Leafie, a Hen Into the Wild
  • : Daisy: A Hen Into the Wild Daisy: A Hen Into the Wild
Data di rilascio 28 Jul 2011
Link IMDb
