Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban 1974


After extracting information by raping a ghost, Hanzo uncovers a plot among high officials to steal the shogunate's gold and loan it out to the poor.

Tutti i titoli
  • Hanzo the Razor: Who's Got the Gold?
  • Razor 3: Who's Got the Gold?
  • JP: Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban
  • FR: Hanzo the razor - La chair et l'or Hanzo the razor - La chair et l'or
  • JP: Fangs of the Detective: Hanzo the Devil, the Soft Skin, and the Gold Fangs of the Detective: Hanzo the Devil, the Soft Skin, and the Gold
  • : Haunted Gold Haunted Gold
Data di rilascio 09 Feb 1974
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Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban 1974