The Death Factory Bloodletting 2008


"Death Factory: Bloodletting" ('Saw' meets 'Hostel') is a horror film about a group of online deviants who are invited to an abandoned factory to witness a "bloodletting", an event displaying the torture and murder of an innocent person. Once inside, they soon realize that they have been lured into a trap by a self-righteous madman who uses the factory and its bloodth...

Tutti i titoli
  • DE: Necrophobic Necrophobic
  • JP: Demons Demons
  • JP: デモンズ2009 デモンズ2009
  • JP: Demons 2009 Demons 2009
  • ES: La fabrica de la muerte: El sacrificio La fabrica de la muerte: El sacrificio
  • ES: Death factory sangrienta (Factoría de muerte) Death factory sangrienta (Factoría de muerte)
Data di rilascio 06 May 2008
Link IMDb
